About Us

Orissa Agricultural Services Association (OASA)

Odisha Agricultural Services Association is an organization of officers of agriculture service cadre in the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment, Govt. of Odisha. However, the association keeps in touch with retired agriculture officers of the cadre in its various activities. It is recognized by the Home Department, Govt of Odisha vide Recognition no.11143-IA-5/1967/Poll and got society registration vide registration no.3552-27 of 1991-92. It’s a non government organization.

The objectives for which the Association is established are:

  • 1. To uphold high standard of conduct and instill esprit de corps and to promote fellowship and foster spirit of cooperation and fraternity amongst the community of Odisha Agriculture service borne on cadre without discrimination to any caste, creed or religion .
  • 2. To promote and diffuse knowledge in the area of modern management & administration and thereby inculcate a sense of professional pride and professional excellence and to arrange Social & Cultural activities amongst the members, their family members and guests without discrimination to any caste, creed or religion .
  • 3. To hold or become partner in holding seminars, workshops, discussions, concerts, exhibitions, tournaments, competitions, and to arrange get-togethers of officers along with families Guests without discrimination to any caste, creed or religion .
  • 4. To promote sports activities (indoor as well as outdoor) with participation of members, their family members and their guests by providing meeting place facilities for indoor and outdoor games and other recreations and accommodation to member participants in sports events
  • 5. To provide library and reading room for the members, their family members and their guests .
  • 6. To promote welfare of the O.Ag.S. officers and their families by undertaking various welfare activities .
  • 7. To solicit view of members on matters of common interest or to advice Government and other Authorities on matters of common interest of the members .
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